Clinical Acupuncture and its uses

Acupuncture is a therapy involving inserting extremely fine, sterile needles into certain points on your body to simulate a healing response. It is usually considered to have been developed in China many thousands of years ago and has also been linked to the Vedic texts of India. Many ancient civilisations have similar systems of treatment.

Traditional techniques are based on the idea that there is an energy or "life force" known as "Qi" (pronounced "chee") that flows through the body in different ways, and at different times of the day through "meridian channels". Illness and disruption to the mind, body or spirit is considered to be caused by stagnation, blockage or over stimulation of the flow of Qi in one or more meridian. The application of fine needles to certain points is believed to help to restore the correct flow of Qi, to in turn restore health. This forms part of the Traditional Chinese Medicine system, known as TCM for short.

Western medical acupuncture involves stimulating sensory nerves in the muscles and under the skin following a medical diagnosis. As a result the body produces endorphins, which are naturally released pain-relieving substances

KORE Clinical Acupuncture utilises the most effective, commonly used points and combinations to treat a variety of disorders including back pain, shoulder pain, digestive disorders, headaches, tiredness, and injuries. It may include the use of transcutaneous electronic nerve stimulation and TDP (Thermal Design Power) Infra-red lamp to enhance the effects of treatment.



Acupuncture is a therapy involving inserting extremely fine acupuncture needles into certain points on the body to simulate a healing response. It is usually considered to have been developed in China many thousands of years ago and has also been linked to the Vedic texts of India. Many ancient civilisations have similar systems of treatment.

Traditionally it is based on the idea that there is an energy or "life force" known as "Qi" (pronounced "chee") that flows through the body in different ways, and at different times of the day through "meridian channels". Illness and disruption to the mind, body or spirit is considered to be caused by stagnation, blockage or over stimulation of the flow of Qi in one or more meridian. Acupuncture restores the correct flow of Qi, to in turn restore health. This forms part of the Traditional Chinese Medicine system, known as TCM for short.

Western medical acupuncture involves stimulating sensory nerves in the muscles and under the skin following a medical diagnosis. As a result the body produces endorphins, which are naturally released pain-relieving substances

In the west, it is thought that by stimulating sensory nerves, the body releases endorphins - natural pain relieving substances. Traditional practitioners believe that the treatments restore the flow of Qi through the body.

KORE Clinical Acupuncture utilises the most effective, commonly used points and combinations to treat a variety of disorders including back pain, shoulder pain, digestive disorders, headaches, tiredness, and injuries. It may include the use of transcutaneous electronic nerve stimulation and TDP (Thermal Design Power) Infra-red lamp to enhance the effects of treatment.

The NHS currently recommends the use of this treatment for chronic long-term pain.

Treatments last around 1 hour on average, and you will be resting during this time. Sterile, single use needles are used - these are very fine, and most insertion points are painless. Occasionally you may feel a tingling sensation, but this should disappear after a few minutes. I often have clients fall asleep during their treatment,  and many people are surprised at how relaxing it is.

My premises have been inspected by an officer from the Local Authority, and approved as being suitable for this treatment - the inspection and registration process is comprehensive and includes hygiene and disposal arrangements for equipment. As a practitioner, I also had to be approved as suitable for registration - this includes qualification, insurance etc.

Acupuncture per session (may include TENS and/TDP lamp as applicable)          1 hr £45.00

Price List at a glance; therapies
